Donate and support our work!

Are you someone who, like us, would like to do everything to make a larger group of people aware of a more complete picture of the 9/11 attacks?

Then join us. Help us to organize meetings, help us to spread the 9/11 information that will wake people up and put the demonstrable imperfections and untruths in the full daylight. Be proactive and participate!

The 9/11 attacks still hold the world in their grip after the notorious launch of the “War on Terror” by Bush Jr. and by politicians who want to frighten and, above all, keep people in fear. 

The result of this policy?

A killer world, in which we are dragged into an international fear agenda, which must be at the expense of countless civilian casualties, our personal liberties and hundreds of billions of euros and dollars that end up in the arms industry.

Even though these attacks are now nearly 17 years ago, it does not mean that we must forget the unanswered questions and unresolved riddles of these attacks. On the contrary, it remains necessary to continue to bring this story to the fore. Now perhaps more than ever.

We are convinced that a new, open and honest 9/11 investigation will be able to reveal the real facts and possibly even bring the real perpetrators to justice. A new generation is waiting for our decisiveness! Information and honest information provision are our essential tools.

Help us to make our website known, contribute with what you can do to get this wave of awareness rolling.

Become a Beneficiary of the September 11 Foundation!

What are the advantages?

* You get the exclusive opportunity to post comments on our blog,
* Free access to the annual meeting of the foundation,
* Discount on events with speakers, organized by the foundation,
* You support a good cause and help strengthen the network.

Minimum amount: € 25 per year, renewable annually.
Extra donations, no matter how small or large, are welcome.

Donations can be made via PayPal, Bitcoin, BitcoinCash and bank transfer to September 11 Foundation, account no. NL60 INGB 0008417279).

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Donation Total: €10,00