Gekochte journalisten

Ondanks de fundamentele kritiek op de media bracht dit boek Ulfkotte in alle grote media in Duitsland en ver daarbuiten. Rusland, Turkije, Griekenland, en ook in Nederland – overal werd Ulfkotte over zijn onthullende boek geïnterviewd. Dit boek heeft maandenlang alle bestsellerlijsten van Duitsland gedomineerd.

Voor alle interviews, zie:

Ulfkotte doet een boekje open over de invloed van de geheime diensten op de grote media in Duitsland. En dan met name via de Atlantische connectie. De media blijken volstrekt niet neutraal te zijn en haar eenzijdige positie wordt op veel manieren gekocht. Zelf werd hij veelvuldig gesmeerd door geheime diensten en door politici. Hij was door en door corrupt en zag het bij vele anderen ook gebeuren. Zij werden stuk voor stuk opgenomen in de netwerken van Amerikaanse elite-organisaties, zoals Atlantik-Brücke, Trilaterale Commissie, German Marshall Fund, American Council on Germany, American Academy, Aspen Institute en het Institut für Europäische Politik. Ook verschillende Nederlandse top-journalisten zijn lid van een aantal van deze netwerken. Ulfkotte laat met een duizelingwekkend aantal voorbeelden zien hoe politici en media een wel heel eenzijdige en pro-Amerikaanse visie op de wereld in de media verkondigen en alle gebeurtenissen. De lijn tussen journalisten en propagandisten blijkt maar heel dun te zijn. Udo Ulfkotte (1960-2017) werkte 17 jaar bij de Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Hij bouwde naam op met bestsellers over multiculturaliteit, de islam, de EU, geheime diensten en de media.

2016 Udo Ulfkotte



“Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World: An Insider's View”

Thousands of American soldiers and civil servants have lost their lives in the War on Terror. Innocent citizens of many nations, including Americans killed on 9/11, have also paid the ultimate price. While the US government claims to stand against terror, this same government refuses to acknowledge its role in creating what has become a deadly international quagmire. Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World sets the record straight by laying the blame on high-ranking US government officials.

During the 1980s, the CIA recruited and trained Muslim operatives to fight the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Later, the CIA would move those operatives from Afghanistan to the Balkans, and then to Iraq, Libya, and Syria, traveling on illegal US visas. These US-backed and trained fighters would morph into an organization that is synonymous with jihadist terrorism: al-Qaeda.

J. Michael Springmann, a former US diplomat, names individuals and organizations that deny culpability. He analyzes the effects of a nebulous war on the US economy and infrastructure. After thirteen bloody years, Springmann exposes hypocrisy and deceit wrapped in a sullied flag of patriotism and honor.

2015 J Michael Springmann


The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy

The 2001 anthrax letter attacks in the United States killed five people and wounded dozens. They were widely blamed on extremist Muslims and their backers and used to support the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. They were also used to justify and hasten the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act, which was being presented to Congress just as the first anthrax victim grew ill. In October 2001, one of the hypotheses that gained ground was that of the Double Perpetrator, the claim that al-Qaeda was carrying out the attacks with the support of Iraq. Much evidence was put forth to support this Double Perpetrator hypothesis but independent scientists soon discovered that the anthrax spores came from a domestic lab in the US serving the military and intelligence communities, not from al-Qaeda or Iraq. The FBI then quickly claimed that an individual was responsible for the attacks and began noisily looking for this “lone wolf.” In 2008 the Bureau named Dr. Bruce Ivins of the US Army Medical Institute of Infectious Disease as the “anthrax killer.” Although the FBI remains committed to the Ivins hypothesis, the case has been disintegrating for the last three years. Currently, it is justly held in contempt not merely by scientists who worked with Ivins but by many journalists as well as several US senators. But this raises the question: if Ivins did not commit this crime, who did? This book presents evidence to support the following points: (a) The anthrax attacks were carried out by a group of perpetrators, not by a “lone wolf.” The attacks were, therefore, the result of a conspiracy— by definition a plan by two or more people, made in secret and resulting in an immoral or illegal act. (b) The group that carried out this crime consisted, in whole or in part, of insiders deep within the US state apparatus. (c) These insiders were the same people who planned the 9/11 attacks (d) The anthrax attacks were meant to facilitate a seizure of power by the executive branch of government through intimidation of Congress and US civil society. They were also designed to achieve public acquiescence to and support for the redefinition of US foreign policy, replacing the Cold War with a new and aggressive global conflict framework, the Global War on Terror.

2014 Graeme MacQueen
